Antonio Deemer

Antonio Deemer is from DuBois Pennsylvania and attends Canisius College. Upon moving to Buffalo New York, he quickly fell in love with the city and its people and intends to settle in the area after graduation. At Canisius, he studies Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation with a minor in Biology. He is graduating in 2023 where he intends to further his education at D’youville or the University of Buffalo to achieve his Doctorate of Pharmacy degree.
While at Canisius, Antonio plays an active role as a student leader. He is a resident assistant and works in the tutoring center. He is also a member of a number of societies on campus. He plays active roles in the society of pre-health professionals and Tri-Beta, which is the biology student honors society. Off campus, Antonio works as a Pharmacy Technician. In the future, Antonio hopes to start his own pharmacy in the Buffalo area.