John Overfield

John, a native of Orchard Park, is a major in Chemistry at Canisius College. He expects to graduate in May of 2017 with a bachelor’s of science. He is involved in many on campus clubs and organizations, which challenge him to stay ahead of the curve in many areas of life. He is the president and founder of the Spanish Club on campus, and has successfully organized several events that bring about learning in a fun environment. This was the first year he was a Resident Assistant and it was a good one as he learned about himself and about life for freshmen students in a dormitory setting. Along with several other clubs, he also is a tour guide for the school and provides information and help to prospective students and their families. This allows him to gain interactive skills and hone in on his ability to speak in public. His off campus experience is just as vast and challenging as the involvement on campus. He works part time throughout the semester at Chipotle, where he has been for two years, in a challenging but prosperous environment. Along with this he is a football referee in the fall for the area little league association and high schools. He also finds time to volunteer at his local youth group on Mondays where he is able to interact and guide young adults. With all this John has come to a cross roads with his decision in Chemistry. He wants to fulfill his lifetime goal of being a doctor and helping children get back to their families after their stay in the hospital, but at the same time with this summer internship at Isle Chem on Grand Island he is being exposed to another way of using his Chemistry degree. The opportunities are endless and with an open mind anything can happen after successfully completing his undergraduate studies.