It is our goal that these outstanding young scholars will create the jobs and technologies that will power Western New York throughout the 21st century.
Meredith Battin
Brett Bosinski
Geoffrey Brown
Michael Brown
Daniel Buckmaster
Dylan Burns
Mary Canty
Christopher Courtney
Madeleine Dewey
Nicholas Eadie
Gregory Gaglione
Andrea Gonzalez
Isabel Hall
Joey Hamilton
Richard Izzo
Sheena Jarmon
Brannon Jones
Andrea Kraft
Andrea Kraft
Juston Lee Locklear
Brentyn Mendel
Kelley Mosher
Msaada Nankumba
Emmanuel Nsengiyumva
Peter Okorozo
Sarah Owen
Amber Quinney
Matthew Rivera
Sydney Sans
Philip Schneider
Karanjit Singh
Robert Sorce
Conor Sullivan
Erin Sweeney
Zoe Vaughn
Danielle Vazquez
Cassandra Webber
Timothy Wysocki
Yiyun Zhou